Working a full-time job can be challenging, rewarding, and an enormous opportunity for growth. However, it can be easy to forget to make time for yourself while working long hours each day. Here are some simple ways to practice self-care while working a full-time job.
1. If you know you'll be working a long shift, pack some snacks or a nice lunch.
This may seem small, but having a nice snack or two to look forward to eating later is a great way to make the day pass by a little faster. Besides, being hangry doesn't help anything.
2. Plan something fun and relaxing for your day(s) off.
Whether this means a trip to the beach, going to the movies, or a relaxing, do-nothing day at home, planning something fun for your day(s) off always seems to make the work week fly by. It's important to make the most of your time off so you can return to work with a positive attitude.
3. Don't bite off more than you can chew.
While it may seem like a good idea at first, don't try to work more hours than you can handle. Yes, you may be paid well, but you should always keep your mental health in mind before agreeing to crazy hours. Make sure that your schedule allows enough time for you to rest, or else you'll end up crying under a desk with a bottle of wine.
4. Make sure you're getting enough sleep.
Sufficient sleep is crucial, especially when you're working full time. This means not staying up until the wee hours of the morning binge watching Netflix when you know you have to work later. Make time for at least seven or eight hours of sleep every night. That way, you won't be grumpy or falling asleep at work!
5. Try to make time for exercise to relieve stress.
Granted, this isn't an easy thing to do because you work so often, but exercising for even 30 minutes each day can help ease some of the stress you're feeling from work. Go for a quick jog, or take a short bike ride if you have time. You'll be glad you did!
6. Ask for help when you need it.
If you're really struggling with something, don't beat yourself up over it — ask for help! There should always be people around who are willing to answer any questions you may have or help you with something you're having trouble with. By asking questions about your job, you not only become a better, more-informed worker, but you also show that you care about your job and want to do well.
7. Treat yourself every once in a while.
You work your booty off 40+ hours every week. Don't be afraid to celebrate your hard work and treat yo self every so often; you deserve it!
Treating yourself could be something as simple as ordering your favorite food for dinner, taking a bubble bath, or giving yourself a facial — you don't need to spend a lot of money to reward yourself for your hard work!