We remember the individual who slammed the door in our face, but we don’t always appreciate the one who waited to hold it open. Don’t be a door slammer. Be the one who is willing to go out of their way to make someone smile. Here are a few very simple ways to make someone’s day a bit brighter.
How are you?
This simple question shows you care. Often times, the answer is more robotic than authentic, but at least the person you asked knows you’re interested in their well-being.
People don’t always want to bother others with their problems. If your friend is having an off day, your question could give him or her the opportunity to share what’s on his or her mind.
Your three word inquiry could lead to friends getting what’s bothering them off of their chest.
Let someone know you’re thinking of them
If there are friends you don’t get to see every day, let them know they’re on your mind. Whether you shoot them a quick text or give them a call, they will appreciate that you took the time to reach out to them.
Give compliments
If you notice someone put a little extra time into their ensemble or got a new 'do, let them know you know. When you receive a compliment, you get an extra bounce in your step. Give someone else a little boost of confidence.
Invite a friend to do something
This may be the simplest act of kindness. Think about walking down the street. You pass person after person, and they all look down or away as they go by. Once in awhile, you notice a person smiling at everyone they pass. I don’t know about you, but my mood improves when someone smiles at me instead of acting as if I don’t exist.
Give an unexpected gift
We’ve all been at the store and saw something that reminded us of someone. You just know that the person in mind would absolutely love it. Splurge on someone else once in awhile. The surprise and joy on his or her face is sure to outweigh any cost.
Even if people don’t appreciate, recognize or remember your acts of kindness, rest assured knowing that you did make their day a little bit brighter. These acts should be done out of love, expecting nothing in return. You’re doing these actions to improve someone else’s life, if only for a minute.
Call an old friend. Say you like someone’s new shoes. Give a stranger a Starbucks. Make someone’s day.