With the semester quickly coming to an end, assignments piling up, and exams approaching, you’re likely starting to stress out. Stress is awful for the mind and body and affects everything you do. You likely feel anxious, overwhelmed, and have very little energy when under stress.
Sometimes stress is unfortunately unavoidable, however, you can make it more manageable. The key to managing stress is unwinding for a little bit, creating a calm, peaceful space, and making time for yourself. Spending some time doing something you enjoy is an amazing way to ease your mind and body. Below are a few tips to help you calm your mind and body to conquer stress and feel better after long, stressful day.
1. Go For A Walk
Going for walks is so underrated! It’s such a simple thing to do but it’s an amazing way to clear your head after a long day. This gives you time to reflect on your day and remind yourself to always keep a positive mindset. This also gets your body moving and unleashes your endorphins to make you feel happy and calm. It's even more calming if you're able to enjoy the sunset while walk!
2. Get Some Kind Of Workout In
Working out is an incredible way to relieve stress. When working out you’re not thinking about anything other than the exercise you are doing. Working out also unleashes endorphins and will leave you feeling amazing after your workout. You’ll also feel super accomplished and proud you got a workout in. Practicing yoga is particularly a great workout for when you’re stressed. Not only is yoga a great workout for your body but also your mind.
3. Cook Yourself A Healthy, Balanced Dinner
Cooking dinner is extremely calming and peaceful. It is a great way to ease your mind after a long, stressful day. While cooking, you have a calm space to reflect and create a positive mindset. And, because stress is hard on the body, it is important to eat healthy whole foods to feel your best. When you nourish your body with healthy food, it will help you feel better after a long day and provide you with fuel conquer the rest of the week.
4. Meet Up With A Friend
Meeting up with a friend and grabbing a coffee, a drink, dinner, or just hanging out after a stressful day is such a great way to lift your mood. Being able to enjoy the company of a friend after a long day is so relieving. You will have someone to vent to and then talk about anything to get your mind off of the situation causing you stress.
5. Read A Chapter Of A Book, Watch A Few Youtube Videos, Watch An Episode On Netflix, Etc.
After a long day, a great way to distress is to simply get your mind off of your stressor. When reading or watching something, your mind is occupied and you will not be thinking about the situation causing you stress. It is important to transfer your focus to something you enjoy and clear your mind.
I hope you found this list helpful and got some ideas on how to distress after a long day!