We have all experienced that moment of looking into our bank account and seeing this: $0, or at least a number very close to it. It is not a pleasant feeling, and from my own encounters, I have come up with a few tips to save some of those green bills we all know are easier to spend than not.
1. Make food/drinks at home rather than eating out.
The drive-thru may be the best invention since sliced bread, but it is a known money drainer. Instead of taking a trip to Dunkins every morning before work, make your coffee at home instead. That $2.58 it costs for a medium iced coffee might not seem like much at the time, but it will add up. Also, if you work long days, bring your own lunch! Not only will you avoid overpriced food from restaurants, making food at home is a healthy alternative.
2. Put a portion of your paycheck in your savings at least every two weeks.
This is easier said than done, especially if you are like me and have to make the trip to the bank to access your savings account. Nowadays, most banks have online banking, so there is no excuse to not take the two minutes to transfer money over to your savings account. Whether it's $10 or $100, every deposit will make you feel less stressed about whatever you are saving for.
3. Learn to say no.
The word "no" is one of the hardest words to say, but it is the easiest way to save money. Every once in a while, it's healthy to splurge, but if you find yourself carelessly spending money, it's time to take a step back and ask yourself, do you really need to buy that lifetime supply of color coded felt tip pens? Save your money for something you need rather than want.
4. Wait for items to go on sale.
This takes patience, but in the end, it is worth the wait. I know what it's like to see an article of clothing and think, I need to have this right now. Do not let the temptation to buy a $30 shirt overwhelm you when you can buy the exact same shirt a few weeks later for $15.
5. Make gifts instead of buying them.
Everyone loves and appreciates homemade gifts. They make take more time and effort than just going to the Hallmark store and buying a glass figurine, but in the end, you will save money and make someone's day a little more special.
Now that you have read all of these great and innovative ways to save money, here comes the hard part: actually doing them.
Good luck to all and save on.