We sometimes find ourselves not fully caring for bodies in order to do other things. If you’re someone like me, you find that there just aren’t enough hours in the day to achieve everything we want. When I do have free time, I find myself wanting to spend it bed, watching Netflix. Alongside this, I am also completely clueless on what products to use for my skin and hair and whether or not they’ll actually work. It is essential for us to take care of ourselves, but I’ve learned over time that expensive products and lots of time are not required to do this. Here are a few small beauty tips anyone can use:
Sleep is a MAJOR KEY. Nothing beats sleep. Our brain uses this time to repair and maintain our bodily functions. The benefits of sleep are immense and range from fewer wrinkles, a better complexion, and overall more energy. Try to get at least seven hours of sleep a night. However, if this isn’t possible, make sure there’s a day you can catch up on your sleep or try to fit in a few power naps!
2. Hydrate
Experts recommend drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day. Moreover, our body is 75 percent water. The benefits of water go a long way in detoxing and cleansing our bodies, hydrating our pores, and giving us energy overall!
3. Don’t touch your face
Our fingers and nails contain the most amounts of germs out of any place on our bodies. The oils and toxins that are present on our fingernails can be extremely damaging to our skin, especially to our faces and can result in acne or getting sick. Avoid touching your face and make sure you wash your hands and sanitize throughout the day.
4. Wash your face
Our face contains many oils and toxins that can cause acne. If you have dry skin or are prone to acne, try washing your face throughout the day. Also, when drying, dab your face lightly with a clean cloth or paper towel. Roughly scrubbing your face can also cause damage. Be gentle!
5. Don’t shower with hot water
Our hair and skin is mostly made of proteins, which denature at high temperatures (a little bio lesson for all you pre-health people out there). This can directly cause dry skin and hair. Try to avoid washing your hair and taking a shower with hot water and instead opt to wash at room temperature or cold water.
6. Try coconut oil
The benefits of coconut oil for skin and hair are truly amazing! Try massaging or thoroughly applying coconut oil in your hair once or twice a week or at least 30 minutes before you take a shower! It’ll hydrate your scalp and hair. You can also try taking a drop of oil and applying it to ends of your hair and wearing throughout the day.
7. Move around!
Many of us who are in school or working find ourselves sitting throughout the day. This can have major health disadvantages including chronic back pain and problems with digestion. Exercise is a major key to health, but if you don't have a fitness routine or don't have time to make it to the gym, try walking around for a little while each day and don’t let yourself stay seated for more than an hour. Also, a 30 second dance party never hurt anyone.
8. Avoid energy drinks
Redbull may “give you wings,” but eventually you will crash. Energy drinks have also been known to cause acne, increased heart rate and blood pressure. If you need a caffeine fix, try leaning more towards coffee!