We forget how simple it all is.
It’s about a cross. It’s about His life in place of ours. It’s about a sacrifice we could never deserve, to find an everlasting life we could never otherwise attain.
It’s about a faith in things unseen, a belief in a heavenly hierarchy that hears our cries, listens to our prayers, and holds us as we fall. It’s about the fact that God made man died for man made weak.
It’s about transcendent love. It’s about the power of a Nazarene man over the power of a Roman cross.
Simplify. This is and always will be about love. No human would ever die a crucified death in support of a cause He did not fully believe in. Christ was fully human.
We forget how simple it all is. We live in a world that heaps priorities and deadlines onto our plates like we could ever find time to complete them all, like we should ever prioritize what we do over who we are. But the man whose lips spoke “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect”, in his thirty-three years on earth, had just two boxes to check.
He came to love, and He came to save.
He checked both boxes.
And we are called, in word and deed, to emulate Him.
This is far from a declaration against everything else which qualifies Christianity as just, as right, and as holy. This is an urge to base the faith which day in and day out is tested and mocked, in love, and in nothing else. Ground the importance of your own life in the simple love which Christ made His concern during His time on earth, and watch your life reap the benefits of correctly ordered priorities.
Everything else follows. When authentic love drives your actions, the world stands to gain. And in love, you lend yourself to a Church made stronger, to a Body of Christ made whole.
On behalf of authentic love, on behalf of sincere joy, on behalf of a soul made strong despite a body made weak, let noting but love reside in the deepest recesses of the soul. And let nothing but hope drive nothing but love.
There isn’t a thing in this world strong enough to stop pure love. And the only power powerful enough, the only strength strong enough to withhold authentic charity, is and always will be on the cross, and on your side. The only might mighty enough ever to stop love spent three years of active ministry teaching humanity how to instill it, how to with every fiber of every effort inject the pure love of a pure Lord into a society which vainly pretends itself immune to the side effects of the cross.
We forget how simple it all is.
“But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.” - 2 Corinthians 11:13