We live in a complicated and dark world. You can find little bits of light in everything we do and life is a little simpler if you don't take those little pleasures for granted. These are all of those weird satisfying happenings that fill us with that small bit of euphoria. These are things that:
Bacon crackling in a pan. Those little pops of heat and grease are so symphonic in the morning while you're waiting for coffee to brew. Dangerous if you're too close but its worth the risk.
Walking onto the lawn early in the morning and feeling the dew on your feet. Before the sun comes up and the sky is barely lit but the grass is still glistening and you leave a trail behind you as you walk through it. Gives me chills just thinking about it.
Getting a package in the mail. Hearing the doorbell and opening the door to a package addressed to you, and it's something you have been waiting for weeks. Also getting something with your name on, whether you expected it or not, always makes you feel important.
And with a package, comes bubble wrap. Everyone loves bubble wrap, popping it, stepping on it, rolling it up and rapid popping it, it has a way of making you feel like a child again. The really big bubbles are a whole new ball game, they are huge and loud and popping them is twice the fun. Nobody would say no to rolling around on a bed of bubble wrap.
Your favorite song coming on shuffle. There is a weird sense of fate when your favorite song comes on while listening to your playlist on shuffle like the universe just knew that's the exact song you wanted to listen to at that exact moment.
Waking up when you have nothing to do. You sleep in until your body and brain are ready for a day of laziness. No one is waking you up, you didn't need to set an alarm, you were just ready to wake up and you get to sit in your bed until you decide to leave. Warm and cozy.
Clothes right out of the dryer. Getting a load out of the dryer and then dumping the basket onto your bed and laying on top of them. The soft warmth that you could sit in forever, nobody can resist that.
Lighting a candle for the first time. A virginal candle, never been lit, and then you get to burn that little wick for the first time. Smelling it as it fills the room, watching the wax puddle up, and then getting to blow it out too and that's a pleasure all in itself.
When you see a waiter walking towards your table with your food. Sitting, starving in your booth, waiting for your order and then seeing your waiter turn the corner with a tray of plates and you know it's yours. Getting hyped up for your food and then watching it get placed in front of you.
Those are a fraction of the simple pleasures that make my life a little easier. Make a list of yours! and try to relish in them a little more, try to find the little pieces of happiness in all of the things you do.