I know many people every year have come up with something they’d like to change or improve on. The new year brings on the never ending list of New Year's resolutions that people have created for themselves.
These resolutions are goals that people wish to reach in the upcoming year. For me, I've decided to be undecided on a New Year's resolution. I feel that every time I set a goal on January 1st, I never follow through because I return to my old habits or life gets in the way. I want to change, but a date on the calendar shouldn't determine when you start working towards those goals. I started going to the gym a few months back to get a head start before the New Year's resolution people swarm in for a membership. I feel that if you want to make a positive change for yourself, do it TODAY. There's no reason to wait till NYE to start going on walks or spend more time with family.
I agree that people should set goals for themselves, but do it because you WANT to. Most people tend to slack on their efforts to reach the goal they're striving for mostly because they were rushed into creating that goal going into 2017. I made a goal that I would lose 25 pounds within the next couple months, but I never vocalized that goal. I simply started going to the gym frequently, and hoped to see results from the effort that was put in. Although this goal has now entered into 2017, I've been working on this goal since 2016. A new year means that there's more time to do the things you want to do but have never had the time to. MAKE TIME to see your family, make time for that morning jog, and make time to focus on school work so that you don't fall behind in class.
My New Year's resolution was to not make one this year. My resolution was to make the change today, that I wish to see tomorrow.