Thank you, Silver Spring Neighborhood Center.
You, with all of your kind smiles, hearty laughs, and gleaming eyes, have taught me so much about life in the past two months.
You taught me you will not be defined by society.
We're living in a tough time. And yes, regardless of popular, ignorant beliefs, it has always been a tough time for the majority of you at the center. I know the world can seem like they are against you. They don't see you for who you all really are, which is inspiring, genuine, and intelligent individuals who want a fair chance at life. Through my time at the Center, you have taught me that despite the social barriers, you will not let anything stop you from trying to live the best life possible. I find that to be extremely courageous and admirable. You all give me hope for the future generations.
You taught me that the human soul on fire is one of the most powerful things on this earth.
Your love, undying loyalty, and wish for others to succeed is something I have never seen in a group before, and it has filled me with such joy. Your drive to see so many of the kids and teens to do great things with their lives is inspiring. And your ability to see the good in everything, whether it be a bad day, a bad month, or a bad year, you always seem to find something good to be thankful for.
You taught me a new meaning of faith.
I have seen many forms of faith, and the way that so many rely on God at the Center really floors me. Faith is a beautiful gift, and I have never seen individuals be so devout to their faith, even in times of adversity. There are challenges and struggles you all face that I will never know, and yet you are some of the happiest people I've ever seen. It is because you believe in a God that is loving and caring, and that you are children of this Creator who will never abandon you. That is a true gift, and I hope you never lose your faith; I hope you grab onto it and hold it tightly to your heart. So many live without it, and so many go their entire lives without knowing that kind of love. Cherish it always.
I could go on and on about the Center, how it's committed to the success of the kids and teens, how so many of the staff members do so much and are never given the amount of credit they deserve, and how so many are often stereotyped and judged before speaking of their dreams and aspirations. Volunteering at the Center has shown me a lot about how the world works, but it has also shown me a side of the world I have never known, and I love my new world. I love the vision I see through, all the things I now am able to experience, and the love and new family I have been taken into. Thank you, Silver Spring Neighborhood Center. You have changed my life, the same way I hope I have changed yours.