Some people get embarrassed by goofy photos of themselves, which is totally understandable, but why not embrace it? The world is already serious enough, silliness should be savored. I'm not saying that we shouldn't take anything seriously, but we should be able to enjoy being our weird selves without worrying about whether we look good enough to the general public.
If you know me at all, you know that I am weird. I hum to myself, make funny faces, and vocalize my emotions via strange noises. Is that bad? Nope! Due to the fact that everything goes on social media, we often check ourselves. That can be a good thing,you should not let everything from a party go on Facebook, but you certainly shouldn't have to hide your personality to be photo-ready at all times. I'm not saying that it's wrong to want to look look good for people or to be professional. It takes me several edits to get selfies the way that I want them to be, but I also try stay true to my own style and personality.
I don't care if my crush sees me wearing a Winnie the Pooh costume or making a less-than-attractive face. That's just who I am. I would much rather have people not like me for who I really am than like a fake version of myself.
This all probably sounds cheesy and generic, but it's how I genuinely feel, so I don't care if you don't like it. We should not have to waste our time on earth by being fake and bored. Have fun with life! Let people see that you are actually passionate about something. I know that showing your true colors can be scary, but you have to accept yourself for who you are before others can accept it. It's okay to be weird. It's okay to be silly. It's okay to be the person in the background making funny faces in a photo. Just be yourself.