There is an abundance of small towns in the state of Massachusetts. And even though every one of them seems to run together, each town is full of it's own unique personality. Here are some of the telltale signs that you're from Leominster, Massachusetts (aka the home of Johnny Appleseed).
1. You can't go ANYWHERE without seeing someone you know.
2. Forget Italy- you know the best chicken picatta in the world can be found at Il Camino.
3. Some of your best childhood memories are spent at the Doyle playground.
From falling off that Jenga-looking structure, to burning your legs on the metal slide, you can still smell the fresh wood chips.
4. You tell everyone you meet that you're from the same hometown as Johnny Appleseed, and get personally offended when someone doesn't know who he is.
5. Football isn't just a sport to you.
6. You can actually pronounce the name correctly.
LEMON-ster, not Leo-min-ster
7. You hate anything Fitchburg... or red.
8. You've spent HOURS in North Leominster traffic.
One little road under a bridge just doesn't cut it for a city of 40,000.
9. You love July because you know Gove's farm corn is finally ready.
10. Mayor Mazarrella is the only mayor you've ever known.
11. You spent your Friday nights in middle school at Roll on America.
12. The struggle between Gourmet, Dippin, and Lovin is real.
13. You still feel pride about which middle school you went to.
14. When you need a long ride, Elm Street is a go to.
15. Sporting facilities aren't just a place to you-they're a second home.
16. You have no idea what the Mall at Whitney Field is, but you do know Searstown!
17. When you're STARVING, there is nothing like a TC Lando's steak and cheese.
18. Your favorite elementary school field trip was to Sholan Farms for apple picking and donuts.
19. Most of your friends are the kids of your parents friends.
20. You still feel depressed about Whalom Park closing.
21. You know what it means to bleed blue.
And no, its not a rare disease. It's a lifestyle.