We all know it's getting to that point in the school year or semester when it's just kind of hard to do...anything. All you can think about is concerts and fireworks and warm weather. You probably catch yourself daydreaming about the beach or searching the internet for plane tickets daily. Trust me, I know, and my motivation for school this semester has been long gone. Here are 7 signs you might be going through the same thing.
1. Attempts at doing homework usually end with you looking at clothes online or using your textbook as a food tray.
Hey, it's very useful when you have a plate of hot chicken wings or a bowl of alfredo and you don't want to burn your lap. Wait, when is that assignment due again?
2. The weather changes are making you stir crazy, and you couldn't possibly waste such nice days on things like schoolwork.
As soon as it starts getting even a few degrees warmer, the days get longer and the sun comes out more. How could anyone expect me to stay inside and do marketing strategy case notes when I could be cruising down a back road somewhere with my windows down?
3. You find yourself more easily distracted.
It's so much harder to concentrate on schoolwork towards the end of the semester. "Is that really what Betty White looked like in her twenties? I wonder what the other Golden Girls looked like when they were young. Oh crap, that's right I was in the middle of a quiz."
4. You doze off in class and just can't seem to focus on the lectures.
Sometimes no amount of caffeine, Red Bulls and espresso shots combined, can keep you awake in class. I wonder if I drool.
5. Procrastination for final projects and papers is at its finest.
I'll be honest, I have a 25-page case project and an 8-page term paper due in around 10 days that I physically and mentally have just not been able to do. I'm sure I'll end up scrambling the night before it's due just trying to think of something to write. Maybe I'll go through and increase the size of all the punctuation marks. That usually takes up, like, an extra line on the page.
6. You're too busy daydreaming about beaches and palm trees.Â
You have no idea what a ciliary ganglion is or how to calculate standard deviation, but you have the prices and best days for a plane ticket to Miami memorized.
7. You have a countdown on your phone for the last day of the semester, and it can't come soon enough.
It's down to 32 days right now if you were wondering. It's so close I can taste it. And yes I check the countdown daily.
Whether you're in high school, college, or just waiting for warmer weather and better times, I promise you it's close. And while your motivation might be running low, I promise you've got what it takes to get through it. The light is at the end of the tunnel! I can see it!