Good, bad, and ugly; they are there for it all. They understand you better than you do sometimes, and we couldn't imagine going through college without them. To my future bridesmaids, current shoulders to cry on, and forever dance partners: stay golden. Thank you for all you do.
1. You spend 95% of your time together.
You might as well be attached at the hip, because you are never seen without each other.
2. They know your go-to snacks and coffee orders.
3. They can tell you're upset within minutes of being around you.
All it takes is a certain look or gesture and a vent session is in the making. And most of the time, you won't even need to explain who or what you are talking about because they already know.
4. They know the type of guy you are into and do not hold back when they think you deserve better.
Forget Tinder, walking down the street with them could be a full on dating app. Whether it's wardrobe or height, chances are they will see the guy before you even have the chance to.
5. Your wardrobes have blended together into a universal stockpile of clothing.
And when you absolutely CANNOT find an outfit, you just move on to the next closet.
6. You know each other's friends from home by their first name and probably follow them on social media.
7. They make an effort to get to know your significant other, and you there's.
8. Your group chat is active 24/7.
9. And so is your location.
10. You have started listing each other as your emergency contacts.
11. You find yourself telling the same story 6 or 7 times just to make sure everyone knows what is going on.
12. You have pregame rituals that are crucial for a successful night out.
13. When you go out together, there are a lot of coordinated dance moves.
14. You always have the ultimate wing-women.
15. You know the song that will make everyone scream.
16. You can guarantee a risky text has been peer-reviewed by at least half the group.
17. They are your ultimate pep squad when getting ready to go out or heading into a hard exam.
18. Nothing is off limits in conversation.
19. And those conversations can range from food to that weird story from that one time freshman year at Bullwinkles.
20. Other people think you guys are absolutely insane.
You say insane, we say hilarious.
21. And you find yourselves being referred to as a package deal.
Don't even try to only put a few of you on the list into a party, all or nothing folks.
22. Your social media is just a collage of the whole squad.
23. But you can never seem to get a picture that everyone is satisfied with.
You have perfected the boy band pose and fight for your "good sides".