1. The school supplies aisle calls your name every time you walk in a store.
Don't get me started on the Dollar Spot at Target, either...
2. Your Pinterest is full of Pins for your future classroom.
Lesson plans, posters, organization methods, even "teacher clothes"
3. You have no clothes to wear when you go out because your closet is full of teacher clothes.
Do I look too teacher-y to go out with friends?
4. We constantly critique our professors on how they teach us about teaching.
"Behaviorist teaching is bad." *Class is entirely based on the behaviorist approach*
5. Shopping for school supplies is equivalent to Christmas morning.
But seriously, isn't it the best day of the semester?
6. You have pencils, pens, and markers of every color.
Your backpack kind of looks like a rainbow.
7. Seeing the words 'field experience' in a course description is both the best and worst thing.
How is it possible that something can be both?
8. Your planner is perfectly organized.
It's even color-coated.