If you've ever been called a grandma and you're only in college, don't worry, you're of a select group of cool people that have the best of both worlds (or maybe I am just calling us cool because I'm a part of the group). Here are some signs that may tell you if you are a 20-year-old with a dash of "grandma."
1. You like to eat dinner early... like five in the evening.
If you're in a long-term relationship, your boyfriend probably knows by now to make those reservations earlier rather than later. You prefer a nice dinner earlier in the evening versus eight o'clock at night because you won't be up much longer after that!
2. Your bedtime is also early.
Just like I said above, you have trouble staying up late on any night. And even if you could stay up, you don't want to. You love your sleep and your bed is seriously your closest friend.
3. You don't like to deal with technology.
Sure, you may have a smartphone like everyone else, but when it comes to having to do anything but text or check Facebook, you may need some help. You do not want to deal with a computer if a problem arises and you hate using technology more than you have to.
4. You like to knit and crochet.
If your idea of fun is making a blanket on a Tuesday night, then you've definitely got a part of a grandma in you. But how cool are you when you've finished that masterpiece instead of watching a bunch of sweaty men kick a ball around with your friends.
5. You are annoyed by "young people."
You can barely stand to go out to a club or anywhere where there's music and a lot of kids your age because you get so annoyed with them. It's just too much for you to handle without becoming a literal old woman and yelling at them. Your mind has matured to "boring" stages already so you don't feel the need to jump around everywhere to that dub-step and take shots.
6. Your weekends are full of baking, Netflix and sleeping.
You are perfectly content with spending your time off from classes every weekend just chilling. You will catch up on sleep instead of going out every night, and a good evening for you is some reading or TV and baking.
7. You obsess over your cat(s).
So, you may be acting like a cat lady already (if you're like me anyways). There's really no need for explanation here.
8. You eat whatever you want.
You live for your comfort foods and would rather have that mac and cheese and potatoes than a salad. Although you don't necessarily binge eat, you won't beat yourself up too bad for eating those chocolate chip cookies or those pancakes for dinner.
9. You know want you want and don't take crap from anyone.
By now, you have already figured out exactly what you want and how you will get it, and you won't let anyone be rude and stand in front of you along the way. Old people may seem mean or demanding in public, but most of the time they just know what they want and expect to get it. But you don't need to be mean about it at least.
10. You're either in a long-term relationship or only looking for that.
As I said earlier, your mind seems to have matured way quicker than intended. You don't want to waste time dating the wrong people when you just want your best friend to come along to spend the rest of your days with. It's actually quite romantic.