For many of us, our parents and/or other adults in our life tried to impart their political beliefs onto us the way that people attempt to raise their kids to be a certain religion. However, much like how people can distance themselves from their family's religion, they can leave these beliefs behind. Here are some things you may have experienced along the way.
1. Everyone Thinks It's a Phase
Nope, just thinking for myself.
2. Someone Tried to Convince You That Being Conservative Would Be "Counter-Culture Cool"
No. Just no.
3. Fox News Was Always On Growing Up
And people took it seriously. Now you don't understand how anyone can watch it.
4. You Heard Someone Say That They "Were Worried Your School Was Making You Liberal"
Followed by a monologue about how you're being indoctrinated.
5. Holiday Dinners Got Weird
They always had to bring up politics in the most cringe-worthy way. You can't argue with them because they're stubborn and set in their ways. There's maybe a token liberal relative who's a breath of fresh air, and you make eye contact across the table in frustration.
6. You Wonder What Would Happen If You Wore a Bernie Shirt Around Them.
Or, better yet, tattoo.
7. You Are More Committed to Social Issues and Social Justice Because You Know What the Other Side Is.
Let's just put more love into the world.
8. You Instantly Bond With Other Liberal Rebels