Whenever you meet someone attractive, nice, friendly, funny, etc., you always dread one word: friendzone. People say the best relationships start with friendships, which is true, but you never want to get too deep into a friendzone where there is no way you're getting out. Here are 10 signs you're in the friendzone and are probably going to stay there:
1. They only contact you when they need something
Chances are they are using you for their own convenience and personal gain.
2. They talk about other people they're interested in and find attractive
If they are telling you details about other people they are interested in, then you are definitely friend-zoned and they feel comfortable enough to talk about their love life with you.
3. And they have tried to set you up with other people
This a literal sign they are trying to set you up so that they deflect your interest in them on to someone else.
4. You always split the check
Does not spend any money on you? Definitely not interested.
5. They do not bother looking nice for you
If someone is interested, they will try to look physically attractive to impress the other person.
6. You bicker, but like in a sibling kind of way
Brother-sister relationship ≠ boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.
7. There's absolutely no flirting (and no, your sibling bickering does not count)
Yeah bickering and making fun of each other can be flirting, but again, if it is like what you would do with your sibling then you are definitely in the friendzone.
8. They introduce you as their "FRIEND"
Telling the whole world that you are their friend is probably a strong indication that you are just a friend. Even worse if they say "best friend."
9. They do not contact you first
If they never call, text, facetime, and contact you first then they simply do not care enough and it definitely is not more than a friendship.
10. They already have a significant other
The most obvious sign that you are in the friendzone and sorry, you are probably never getting out.