With band camp season in full swing, many high school and college students returned to their schools to step off a new marching band season. During this time of year, marching band kids pick up particular behaviors that only "band nerds" understand. These are some classics:
1. Walking in step to any song you hear
It's almost like it bothers you when your left foot doesn't match the first and third beats of a song.
2. Humming the show tunes anytime and anywhere
Playing particular songs for nine hours a day kind of engraves it into your daily thoughts.
3. You hate the phrase, "This one time at band camp..."
This is the worst. Every time you have a conversation about marching band with a non-band person, you usually hear this phrase. It's not funny, and it will never be funny.
4. The sock tan
Rocking the sock tan is my specialty. It comes around every August and overstays its welcome until about the next summer.
5. You're never late to anything
My band director's phrase is, "The most valuable thing you could ever give someone is your time." If your friend is the first one to the party you're having, it's more than likely because they're a band kid.
6. One more time equals many more times
When your band director says one more time, you know it's equivalent to at least twelve more times.
7. Old show music has a special place in your heart
There's nothing better than finding your old show music and playing through it for good old times.
8. When you have to walk in step with the person next to you
You kinda skip or stumble to make sure you're both on the left foot at the same time.
9. You get offended with the lack of knowledge from non-band members
Please please PLEASE know the difference between a clarinet and a saxophone.
10. You're an excellent snapper/clapper
It's all about keeping everyone on tempo.
Although there are many more signs of being a band kid, these identities represent a large population of band kids. Marching band may identify us a certain way, but we wouldn't change it for the world.