Are you knee-deep in winter break?
Here are some tell-tale signs you might be:
1. You have already finished a season of [insert show here]
2. You may have even started a new show at this point
3. Anything happening before noon is MUCH too early
4. Your family/friends have stopped trying to wake you up for said ‘early morning events’
5. Nap time usually occurs about 2-3 hours after you wake up
6. All of this sleepiness may or may not be because you stayed up until three doing ting you did not do when you were bored
..... but probably not
7. The very thought of going to last semester’s classes is exhausting
8. You may not have left the house yet all day
9. That being said, you're probably still in your pajamas
10. You may not have worn actual clothes since your arrival home
11. There are no meal times, all food all the time.
12. Your number of friends who are also home is slowly diminishing
13. You realize living with your siblings is not the same as living with your friends and roommates
14. You’ve started baking all the time because you CAN
15. Your winter body is getting a little extra ~wintry~
16. You've regained the little driving skills you had over the summer
17. You often become so bored that you do things like clean your room or shower
18. You're beginning to count down the days until you're back on campus, your second home
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