For those of us from Yorktown, Virginia, we all know about the Battle of Yorktown at the end of the Revolutionary War. If you're from Yorktown you're probably aware of the small town feel and love the historic area. Yorktown has a lot of charm and many of us are proud to call it home.
1. Getting offended if someone doesn't know where Yorktown is, or its significance.
I think I tell everyone I have met in college "I'm from Yorktown--you know where our independence was won on Oct. 19, 1781; ya know, Lord Cornwallis and General Washington? " No one ever knows where Yorktown is, so we just say, "I'm from near Williamsburg and Virginia Beach." Not the Yorktown in Northern Virginia. It always turns into a much longer conversation and a history lesson. (PS did anyone pay attention to history class!?)
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2. Knowing Pops is the BEST breakfast place to go.
If you haven't been, you have to on seventeen. Great breakfast food and lunch later in the day too and everyone there is so nice!
3. Sharing Bailey Field for high school football.
Tabb, Grafton, and York spent most games on this field. Sometimes you didn't even know if you were home or away until you got to the game. Everyone always painted up in the parking lot before too. Not to mention the Tabb vs Grafton football games always being the most hype. (Go Tabb!)
4. Busch Gardens
How many of us had "dates" there in middle and high school. Not to mention the freedom we felt of the first time you were dropped off by your parents or a friends parents and didn't have a chaperone. Hallowscream was a traumatizing experience but a good excuse to go on a date back in the day, as well.
5. Getting snow days because of Bruton.
All of us always manage to forget Bruton is considered York County. Whenever it snowed up there we always got school off because the roads up there were bad when they were fine everywhere else which was awesome.
6. Visting Yorktown Battlefield, Jamestown Settlement and Colonial Williamsburg every year on a field trip
Every. Single. Year. Oh not to mention when relatives came to visit and we had to make the trip again. Maybe that's why we get so offended when people don;t know where it is. And you definitely have taken a picture with the monuments.
7. Spending half days/summer days at Yorktown beach.
Or as some call it, Yorktown Puddle. Every time there was a half day you can definitely find everyone you know at the beach especially in the springtime. Or all the seniors skipping school- this is the go-to spot. When you don't want to drive all the way to VA beach, this is a best second choice. And you probably get Ben and Jerry's every time, as well.
8. Knowing everyone growing up from rec soccer/baseball.
Playing sports in high school and middle you recognize so many people from growing up playing sports with or against them.
9. Sandbar Sunday
On Sundays everyone takes their boats (or friends boats) out on the York River and heads to the sandbar. It's definitely a summer highlight and a great way to catch up with everyone and soak up the sun. People tie their boats together and blast country music, it's a great time.
10. Crawford Road being the spot to go once you got your license.
As soon as friends started getting their license and driving around everyone had to check out Crawford Road at nighttime. Rumor has it is is haunted and your car shuts off when you drive under the bridge. Personally, WAYYYY TOO SCARED to try it but you hear some crazy stories.
11. Wearing camo when you played Poquoson in football.
The Tabb student section always decked out in camo for this football game. I'm not sure how it started or if they still do it now but it was funny back in the day. Speaking of Poquoson, why does is it that so many cars with a "POQ" sticker drive at 45 mph on Victory? The speed limit is 55! (Mom, this part is for you I know you would like this issue addressed ;) )
12. Tide Mill Boat Landing/Sonic/and Walmart were your hangout spots.
"What's going on tonight?" "Ugh there's nothing to do." If you live in the YC you have said these phrases countless amount of times. Sonic across from Walmart, running around Wal-Mart, and Tide Mill were guaranteed places to see people trying to make plans and ending up staying there. When house parties happened they were always busted within an hour so these were safe bets to just hang out.
13. Chick-fil-a
You're lying if you say you've never been to the Chick-fil-a on Victory. You definitely would wake up early in high school and get breakfast and then bring it to class and everyone was so envious. If you went there on a half day for lunch you would see everyone from the other schools and wait in line for a good 30 minutes. #WORTHIT Also, it was a big day in our lives when they got TWO DRIVE THRU LINES!!!
14. Spending hours in 17 traffic.
Is construction EVER going to be done on 17? Answer: Probably not. If you hit 17 at the right time, you will not move and it'll take a five-minute trip about thirty. Also, when they lowered the speed limit we all cringed. If you have gotten a speeding ticket, it was probably on this road.