You love being around people all the time and socializing is a peace of cake to you. So you're considered an extrovert. Or socializing gives you anxiety and you'd rather spend time alone, so you're an introvert. What if you're someone who loves to spend time with people, but needs days where you can be alone? You're considered an extroverted introvert. You're not someone who's on either end of the personality spectrum and sometimes people perceive you as hard to understand because you don't follow the book of an extrovert or introvert. So how can you tell if you or someone else is an extroverted introvert? As an extroverted introvert myself, I hope this helps you distinguish between the different personality types and where you lie on the spectrum.
1. You're quiet in a large group.
The thought of talking in front of a large group of people gives you anxiety. Your heart starts beating rapidly and you want to hide under a rock. Especially when you're in a class, you'd rather listen to what your classmates have to say rather than speaking up. Also you're probably sitting in the middle, back, or corner of the class room. You hate being the center of attention. However, when you're with people you're most comfortable with you're a whole new person. The extrovert side of you shines bright and you can socialize and crack jokes all day long.
2. You need alone time before and after socializing.
You love your friends. You love hanging out with them, but some days you need to recharge. For extroverted introverts, socializing is exhausting and we need to take a break from it at times. Without that alone time, we're usually super annoyed and frustrated about being around people all the time.
3. You really really really hate small talk.
The idea of small talk makes you cringe. You hate pointless conversations and you'd rather have a thoughtful conversation for hours. You value a deep connection with your friends and loved ones. Plus you probably are freaking out on the inside during those awkward silence moments (guilty).
4. You're indecisive if you want to go out.
The idea of being social and having fun sounds like a great idea, but you're contemplating if that beats a night spent in your bed with Netflix. It's way easier to choose the night spent in, but when you decide to go out, you have the time of your life.
5. Our happy place are coffee shops/cafés.
This is the bit of heaven that exists on earth for you. You're surrounded by a lot of people, but you're still closed off and alone. You don't have to talk to anyone if you don't want to.