Once upon a time, I was an awkward middle schooler, anxiously awaiting the day where all awkwardness vanished from my life and my appearance, and I could fool people into thinking I was normal. But, alas, it was not to be. It turns out when awkward people age, they remain awkward, just with new twists and turns to their personality.
Though slightly better-looking than our middle school counterparts, there are some things about us awkward humans that are simply a part of us for life -- might as well embrace it.
1. You have at least five uncomfortable and uncertain ‘hi’ encounters a day.
“Do they remember me?” “Are they waving at me? I mean we had class together once…”
2. You hold the door for an uncomfortably long amount of time because awkwardness is better than rudeness right?
Jury's still out on this one.
3. You’ve walked out of your suite/house/dorm room only to realize you forgot something and turn right around and walk back in.
Or, worse, you've made it halfway to your destination and had to turn around in the midst of that "it's time for class" rush.
4. You’ve taken the long route to class to avoid awkward encounters with people you are trying to avoid.
Probably because your last encounter was just far too uncomfortable.
5. You’ve gone to the bathroom at the same time as a teacher and felt uncomfortable even though it’s completely normal to use the restroom…
Just too weird to share a stall door after sitting through their class for the past hour.
6. You’ve mistaken adult students for professors. And then had class with them for the next 15 weeks.
Never a fun time.
7. You’ve told a random guy that he’s the one who saved your computer and thanked him incessantly, only to find out that that was not him, and you’re just half drunkenly harassing a poor stranger.
No? Just me?
8. You’ve hidden from people at the grocery store because you’re inept at holding conversations consisting of small talk.
Nothing to see here. Carry on.
9. You’ve sent an email saying something like “I attached my essay. Please take a look!” and then neglected to add the attachment and had to send the lowly follow-up “I forgot to attach it…” email.
In our defense, though, I've known professors who've done the same thing.
10. You’ve slipped on an icy patch of campus on your way to class, and had to get up and play it off like it’s totally cool and that didn’t just happen.
*Internally cries.*
11. You’ve dropped at least one item of laundry in front of another person.
Usually underwear. Always the cute boy.
12. You’ve showed up to class only to find out from the janitor that all morning classes were cancelled and you didn’t know because the email went to your JUNK folder.
YEAH. That actually happened.
13. But you wouldn't change a thing because being awkward is all you know.And it keeps you happy so who cares what anyone else thinks?