If you're a cat person for life, these 14 things are just the way the world works, because you know it's your cat's world, and you're just living in it.
You aren't turned off by the sight of a hair in your drink.
Pick it out, inspect it to see which cat it came from, then finish drinking.
You're excited by dogs, but only for a few minutes.
Yes dogs are cute, but they also drool and jump. Something that cleans itself 12 hours a day and doesn't knock you over when you walk inside is preferred.
You have many lint rollers, but have probably given up using them.
Cats shed, that's just what they do. If you haven't given up on using lint rollers yet, good for you, but if you have, welcome to the world of always looking like a crazy cat person. We welcome you.
You don't let your slight cat allergy get in the way.
You take Claritin every day because nothing's going to stop you from loving those furry little demons.
You have accepted that nothing, no matter how high or hidden, is safe.
Somehow they always find it, knock it over, and look upset when they get yelled at for being on the top shelf of your closet.
You probably have way too many cat-themed items.
It might be a problem, but none of us really care. Having a cat on every article of clothing and in every picture on the wall in your house can only make your life better.
You know that black clothes have to be put on seconds before leaving the house.
If you lounge around in black leggings long enough, you might collect enough hair to make another cat. That could be good or bad depending on how you look at it, but that guy who's allergic to cats at the gym might not appreciate it.
You know that once a cat sits on your lap, you aren't to disturb it.
If you do, you'll be dealing with a very angry cat for the next 24 hours, and no one wants that.
You've been to or are dying to go to a cat cafe.
Cats and coffee, what's better?
You're immune to crashing sounds.
You don't even rush to see what the noise is anymore because chances are it's the cat knocking the flower vase off the table for the 12th time today.
You aren't fazed by the sound of a hair ball.
Some would be worried if they heard an animal choking in the next room, but cat lovers know their cat is just leaving them a nice hairy surprise to clean up.
You know you have to lock yourself away if you want to use a computer.
Cats love being the center of attention and anything square, making sitting on a keyboard right in front of your face probably one of their favorite things to do.
You have so many pictures of cats on your phone that some might consider it an obsession.
If you don't have a picture of everything cute your cat did, did it even happen?
You have accepted that your cat rules the house
From what time you wake up to your spot in bed at night, your cat decides it all. That's okay though because they make up for it with purrs and head nudges.
As annoying and mischevious as our little four-legged friends might be, there is still nothing better than coming home after a long day, sitting down on the couch, and having them jump onto your lap.
Remember that cats are just a part of your life, but you are all of theirs. Give them an extra can of food and scratch their heads even after they've knocked a full glass of milk over. They'll love you for it.