The show "One Tree Hill" showed the viewers all different kinds of life values, and one of the main values that "One Tree Hill" portrayed is friendship. Friendship is defined as a relationship of mutual affection between people. Friendship is showed in "One Tree Hill" with all different groups of people, but mainly between Brooke Davis and Peyton Sawyer. As you watch the show, you start to realize how similar Brooke and Peyton's friendship is to a friendship of your own. Here are some signs that relate B. Davis and P. Sawyer to you and your best friend.
1. You realize that Hoes comes over bros
After watching "One Tree Hill" over 5 times from start to finish, both Brooke and Peyton face boy issues that cause fights in their friendship. Like you and your best friend, I'm sure you guys fight over boys, but at the end of the day, you both realize that friendship comes before any guy in both of your lives.
2. You have nicknames for each other
Having nicknames for each other make the friendship better because it makes the friendship more unique. You can have basic nicknames like B. Davis and P. Sawyer, or you can have something more unique to fit your friendship.
3. You know they will be by your side on a special day
You know that in the future no matter what happens between each other, that you will be standing by each other's side for that special day. Even though Peyton and Brooke were at different stages at the time of Peyton's wedding, Brooke still made sure to help her make her day perfect because as her best friend she knew that Peyton deserved the very best.
4. You guys have always done the same activities
You and your BFF do everything together just like Brooke and Peyton even if you don't get full enjoyment out of the activity but still do it to support your BFF. Whether it is choir, a sport, or even a club, you and your BFF were always together to support each other.
5. You guys are protective over each other
As each other's best friends, you are protective over who else calls you their best friend just like Peyton and Brooke.
6. You guys are always each others late night talks
No matter the time of night, you always up to talk to your best friend about what's bothering them. Whether it is boy drama, family drama, or even school drama, you are ready to drop anything in the world to make sure that your best friend is okay.
As you go on in life just remember that the friendship that you have with your best friend is something that will last a lifetime. Just like Brooke and Peyton, friendship doesn't end if someone moves far, friendship will last forever.