If you're a current student or a proud alum, chances are you've experienced a few of these things. Here are some signs that you may have gone to Trinity High School in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania.
1. You know there's two parking lots.
Either you're in the mass parking lot or you're in the b**** lot. This used to be reserved for the "top" upperclassman through the years but seems to just be a normal parking lot with a name that can't be dropped. It will forever be the b**** lot.
2. Dave is a legend.
If you were running on time or late, nothing stopped you from shaking Dave's hand every morning as he stopped cars so you could cross safely. You always love Dave until you're the one driving and he yells at you...but he's Dave so it's OK.
3. The hallway/locker hangouts were the best.
Well, kind of. You have really awkwardly slim lockers that have one shelf you actually use. Aside from that getting to know the person next to you can be great and/or horrible depending on who it is. If you really went to Trinity I bet someone even popped in your head.
4. Your homeroom started to become a small family after continual years with one another.
Should out to my G-J homeroom. Y'all the real MVP. But really, you see the same people every morning for four years, it becomes one of the many comforts of going to Trinity. Some of the best memories are made in homeroom.
5. Morning announcements and Channel One News.
Not sure why announcements were so inconsistent but nevertheless they were a thing. Between student anchors, guest faculty and Sister Sue's blurbs, our newscast was one of a kind. And don't forget watching Channel One news and looking forward to the weekend "rap-up" on Fridays.
6. There were always two kinds of history people.
You were either team Shoemaker or Mihalic. Though this was never by choice, you always got very interesting experiences like Miss Shoe's deadly fun packets or Mrs. Mihalic's City/Country tests and daily chapter quizzes.
7. If you had a bf/gf you better not show any PDA.
You can bet Mrs. Hudock is waiting somewhere in the halls to see a single hug, hand hold or kiss to write you up!
8. It's not weird to have a teacher "Moo" at you.
That's right, you got caught chewing gum by Miss Sweeney. It's better than getting in trouble for it!
9. Mr. O is an all time favorite.
We've all said/sang "Hey, Jude" to him at least once in our life. Thank God he's the man and always laughed at it.
10. Lunch time slots made or broke your day.
I will never forget having freshman lunch as sophomore. It still makes me feel bitter.
11. Study Hall vs. Commons
Why is it even called commons? Anyways, you felt like an adult when you were finally spending your study hall time in the cafeteria. You have freedom to talk or do your work but usually you just talked. This was a time you got to forcibly talk to new people and most times it was the best part of the day.
12. Soccer games were a blast.
With Mr. B coaching and our boys working hard, soccer games were some of the best times! Sitting on the awkward set of bleacher behind the team made the atmosphere so much better!
13. Football was a love/hate relationship.
You never really know that the season will be like but you go anyways. If not for the team, for the themes student sections and most legendarily the paint war.
14. Basketball season was life!
Where we lack in other sports we make up with basketball. We are known for being good and we love that! Our student sections are still the best year after year, our team was good 10 years ago and continue to be now. If there's one thing current students and alumni love from Trinity, it's our basketball pride.
15. The student section.
From chanting "Jesus loves us" to doing the rollercoaster, we have it on lock. Maybe I'm biased but Trinity's school spirit is a force to be reckoned with.
16. PALs
PALs was....interesting. Sometimes you get cool leaders, like I did, and an amazing group, again like I did. Other times PALs was awkward, weird and all around boring. And we've all heard stories about what's happened on those couches...
17. The Sister Sue squad.
Whether you'll admit it or not, you always wanted to be one of Sister Sue's helpers. Something about it made you seem super important even if you were just hanging up decorations. Shout out to all those dedicated students and Sister Sue for just being the bomb.com.
18. You've had one of the OG teachers.
Whether it was your actual class or as a sub you got to experience one of the teachers that have been there for years. Mr. McGovern, Miss Beveridge, Miss Kiker or numerous others have graced the halls and you got to have them!
19. Miss Dobbie caught you with gum or and untucked shirt.
If this hasn't happened at least once, did you ever actually go to Trinity?
20. Fist bumps with Mr. Blackledge.
Nothing better than saying "Hi" to Mr. B and fist bumping. Not to mention taking copious notes and him saying "It's a beautiful day in the hood."
21. Being yelled at by Mr. McGovern for a variety of things.
Either he's telling you that you talk too much, to get out of the hall or accusing you of being a communist/nazi.
22. Mini THON
As the first class to have THON all four years, I can say whole heartedly that it is still one of the best memories. Between the DJs, zumba, food, the hair cutting, games, dodgeball tournament (Dodge Fathers live on), number reveal and most importantly the cause, it was the best.
23. You still know the Alma Mater.
"Hail Trinity O, Trinity, we pledge our loyalty forever..."
Now that's stuck in your head, sorry!
24. You sat in the courtyard at least once due to pure curiosity.
They really should do more with that thing.
25. You can say you have international friends.
Whether they're from Europe or Asia, you no doubt made a friend or two from overseas. Shout out to Jun, Anh, Victor and Howon (and others)! I know the Class of 2013 misses you whether you're near or far.
26. Everyone wanted to be a Birdie Basher or Pickleball Champ.
I just wanted to get one to proveI could achieve something in a sport...didn't happen. Still a sore subject.
27. You know the words to "Blessed Be Your Name."
"Every blessing you pour out I'll turn back to praise, when the darkness closes in, Lord, still I will say *shouts* blessed be the name of the Lord, blessed be your name."
28. You were a champ if you participated in before school COBO volleyball.
Shout out to you people.
29. You'll never understand why we had cream sweaters.
It's not even cream, it's clearly yellow. Either way it's disgusting.
30. You were either team cardigan or pullover sweater.
Though we all wanted to be team cardigan so we could wear the oxford shirt. We all know that you were limited because Flynn and O'Hara costs just as much as the school's tuition.
31. You've at least been accused once of being a "rich kid" at least once.
Or something to that extent.
32. It's extremely fulfilling to get Mr. Root, Mr. McGovern or Mr. Mull to laugh.
That's when you know you're truly funny.
33. You owned Sperry's.
Got stay stylin' in any way you can but now you kinda hate wearing them.
34. Dare I mention the pizza box...
Yeah, I said it. We all had to deal with someone from another school making fun of us for well...you know what. Best response "It's DiGiorno."
Let's move on.
35. Field day was intense.
Being put on a team with strangers was horrible but by the end you had a blast.
36. The names Mechanicsburg, CV and Camp Hill will always make you cringe.
Once a rival always a rival.
37. You know about the pool.
You're only cool if you made it to the pool on the roof at least once. It exists...
38. You never questioned the graveyard.
Though it's puzzling you never ask.
39. The AAC is a mystery other than the music room.
I've been in the other rooms in that building. All I have to say is it is questionable.
40. Detention was spent with the janitors.
Though they scared you before, you're now friends after a half hour spent after school.
41. Apps class was the worst.
Sorry Mrs. Magni and Miss Kiker but we all hated it. Love you guys though!
42. There are a ton of legacy families.
You more than likely graduated with a person who's last name is dedicated somewhere in the building.
43. You loved spelling out "Trinity" with the cheerleaders.
As a one of those cheerleaders, we loved spelling it out just as much as you!
44. Prom was a huge deal.
Just as it is everywhere, prom was exciting and you felt super fancy going to the West Shore Country Club.
45. Sending and receiving candy/flowers.
Waiting on Valentine's Day to see if you got a carnation sent to you. And if you did, the color meant everything: red, pink or white.
46. Yearbook signing was harder than writing papers.
It took weeks to write all the memories you could think of from that year.
47. Being a senior was the best.
You officially run the school both in social status, in clubs and in sports.
48. Class T-Shirts were a right of passage.
Gotta make sure you sign next to you BFFs names too.
49. Graduation was bittersweet.
You realize that you'll actually miss the two halls you roamed for the last four years.
50. You have serious pride for your Alma Mater.
No matter how good or bad of an experience you now appreciate all that you gained from going there. From amazing friends to actually being prepared fro college, T-High gave you something you'll cherish forever.
For these and all the other memories, I thank the teachers, faculty and friends from Trinity High School. Once a shamrock, always a shamrock.