Relationships are tricky, and it can be hard to realize when it's time to give up on someone and move on. If you have any doubt, look for these signs in your relationship and allow them to answer the question, "Should I just dump him?"
1. Your close friends and family don't like him.
Your friends and family don't run your life, but their opinion definitely matters. If none of the people who are closest to you like him, things are unlikely to turn around.
2. You have conflicting personal views.
Some say politics doesn't matter, and those people scare me. Political views hugely represent your morals, upbringing, and how you live your life. Save yourself from a few arguments and just end it now.
3. He likes to play mind games.
You know exactly what I'm talking about. He says he doesn't like labels but insists he's loyal. He won't text you back for days and then go, "Haha sorry I was sleeping :p wyd?" There are certainly men out there who will commit to you without hesitation, so there's no reason to wait on this one.
4. He doesn't like to address problems in the relationship.
If you notice he dodges conversations about your relationship, shifts blame, or gets mad about an entirely different issue, you need to drop him STAT.
5. He makes excuses to avoid hanging out.
I'm not saying he can't have a life of his own, but if he's constantly avoiding plans, canceling, or making up lame excuses like, "I need to wash my cat" then chances are, he's not really interested in your relationship.
6. Abusive behavior, in any form.

It doesn't matter if it is physical, sexual, emotional, or any other form. Abuse is abuse, and you DO NOT deserve that. In serious or dangerous cases, contact the local authorities.
7. You want different things in life.
If your goals and ambitions don't line up, it can be hard to end things on those terms. It's okay to want different things, but it's not okay to expect that to change.
8. He won't introduce you to his friends or family.
Same goes for when he doesn't want to meet your friends. He's likely afraid of commitment and knows meeting each other's friends and family means you'll be seen as a couple. Understandably, if it's only been a couple weeks then it's different. But if you've been together for several months and haven't met anyone he cares about, maybe question his reasons for that.
9. He discredits your hobbies, opinions, or goals.

Far too many times have I let a guy tell me that my interests are stupid. A good boyfriend should be supportive of you and everything you want to do with your life.
10. You don't feel attracted to him.
Attraction matters in a relationship. If you aren't feeling any kind of attraction to him, don't wait for it to just happen over time.
If you're still reading this article, you're clearly looking for a sign. It's okay to end relationships when you just aren't happy, even if you can't find a specific reason why. It is much better to do what's right for you now than to wait until it "starts to feel right".
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