Humans can be annoying and you may lose your patience over them at times. But when it comes to dogs, your heart just overflows with love. If this sounds familiar, then you probably prefer dogs to humans. Of course this is okay. If not, then why are they called man’s best friend?
1. You would interrupt a meaningful conversation with a friend just to point out that a dog has come across your line of vision.
2. The first time you go to someone's house, you wonder if they own a dog.
3. You show more affection to your best friend's dog than your actual best friend.
4. The dog is always the highlight of every party you go to.
5. You feel bad for hurting a dog more than a human.
6. You cry every time you watch THAT commercial.
7. You get jealous of a dog's good looks.
8. You wish you were a dog at times.
9. You're not very good at paying attention most of the time, but when it comes to dogs, you’ve never been more focused.
10. Just petting a dog brightens your day.
11. You would adopt all the dogs in the world if you could.
12. You have more to talk about with your dog more than a friend.
13. A perfect day would consist of no one else but you and a dog.
14. The dog feature is your favorite filter on Snapchat.
15. Everything that a dog does is super endearing to you.
16. You go straight to the dog to pet and talk to it without acknowledging its owner.
17. You feel like you have a spiritual connection with dogs.
We'll always have a heart for dogs <3