Everyone is marked in some way, shape or form by where they grew up; it's just a part of you. Growing up in a small town leaves a unique burn. Here's a few signs that you might have grown up in one:
1. You know everyone, or almost everyone.
You can't drive through town without seeing someone you know.
2. The drive though town itself lasts less than two minutes.
Having one stop light is actually a pretty big deal.
3. High school sports are a big deal.
It doesn't matter the record, you can bet the stands will be full every year at Homecoming.
4. You got excited when you found out that your town was finally getting a gas station.
You no longer have to drive to another town just to fill up.
5. You knew, and probably still know, everyone in your graduating class.
Coming home at any given time is like a mini class reunion.
6. You'll always choose small businesses over chains.
Nothing is better than dinner from a local restaurant.
7. But you sometimes wish your town had more options.
Having to drive a half hour or more for something different gets really old really quick.
8. You get excited when your town, or even a town near you, makes it on the news.
Whether it is good or bad news, there's just something exciting about hearing your town's name over the radio or on TV.
9. You're so used to people not knowing where you're from that you just round to the nearest "big city."
Even if the nearest "big city" is tiny too.
10. You learned how to drive a tractor long before a car.
Some kids probably even drove them to school some days.
11. It seems like your town never changes.
It feels like your great grandparents probably shopped at the same stores in town.