When others hear the word "Italian," they think, spaghetti, pizza, loud people who talk with their hands, and big families. And I am here to tell you, well, you're not totally wrong. Italians have to do with all of that, and on behalf of the pizza and spaghetti, you're welcome. But being Italian is much more. It means, yes great food, but it also means amazing family and an even better time.
Here are some signs you're Italian:
1. You have enough food for dinner to feed an army of people... on a daily basis.
2. Christmas Eve dinner is a meal you look forward to all year long: 7 whole fish and 5 pounds of linguine!
3. There is no such thing as an "indoor" voice.

4. You know the differences between every kind of pasta (Pastina is a favorite, especially for wedding soup).
5. You always have fresh basil growing in your house all year round.

6. Eating or purchasing store bought sauce is a deadly sin.

7. You have at least a few relatives with the name Mike or Joe. You probably call them Mikey or Joey, too.

8. You have a cross somewhere in your house.

9. Your grandparents constantly ask if you are hungry and always try to get you seconds at dinner.
10. If you don't have leftovers after a meal, something is wrong.
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