Growing up it was always hard for me to keep friends but as soon as I met my best friend in 7th grade I knew that we were going to be in this for the long haul. Fast forward to our senior year of college and we are still going strong.
1. Even when they are mad at you they make sure to send you a Snapchat so you don't lose your streak.
2. You call each other's parents mom and dad.
3. Your family jokes that they have to pay rent because they are always over at your house and vice versa.
4. They randomly show up at your house unannounced or are chilling at your place when you're not there.
5. People constantly think the two of you are dating...
6. Seeing them naked doesn't even phase you anymore.
7. It also doesn't phase you when you go to the bathroom while they are also in the bathroom.
8. You know more about them than they know about themselves.
9. They are basically an adopted in brother or sister in your family.
10. You share everything from food and gossip to baths and personal hygiene tips...
11. When you can sit and do nothing but play on your phones or sit in silence and it's not awkward at all.
12. You can look at each other and burst out laughing for no apparent reason but then get a cramp from it.
13. When you can disagree on things but still respect each other's opinions.
14. Car rides are honestly a trip with them, whether it's a five minute drive or a road trip.
15. You've told them too much and if they left you'd have to kill them...
16. No matter where life takes you, you're always there for each other when you get back.
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