Signs You Have Baby Fever | The Odyssey Online
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11 Signs You're A College Girl Who's 'Goo Goo Ga Ga' With Baby Fever

I don't *want* a baby, but like, I WANT a baby.

11 Signs You're A College Girl Who's 'Goo Goo Ga Ga' With Baby Fever

We've reached that our age in our lives where, you guessed it, everyone and their sister are getting pregnant. While this is super exciting for all those expecting, it's doing a number on you. You're seeing all the clothes, the ultrasounds, the stuffed animals and UGH! Everything is just so cute and tiny and you find your heart growing twice the size of the Grinch's on Christmas.

We've all been there at one point in time. And even though you may not want a baby, because if you're like me you are just not ready, you still kind of want a baby. Here are the signs if you've been cursed with baby fever...

Baby clothes make your heart melt.

Okay, but seriously, what is cuter than a little onesie that say's ladies man on it? They're just so cute!

And shoes are even worse.

Okay, baby feet are the CUTEST part of the baby. You can't even fight me on it. There's something so sweet and innocent about little baby feet. So, of course, you see the tiniest little baby shoes in the store and your heart skips a beat, you tear up and think about how PRECIOUS they are.

You're constantly offering to babysit ANYONE's child

You see everyone with their little ones and you just want a taste. So you beg and beg and BEG to babysit just so you can get to experience that life for yourself.

Everywhere you turn, there's a baby. You can sense one from 10 miles away.

You start to sense a baby's presence before you even hear it cry. You just know.

The second you see a baby, you have to goo-goo at it.

I don't when I got possessed by the goo-goo monster, but I cannot look at a baby without talking in the baby voice and putting all of my effort into making it laugh or smile. Happy babies, happy heart.

You have a Pinterest board for when the time FINALLY comes.

Okay, I don't have this just yet, but I know LOTS that do!

You have a list of potential baby names for when your time comes.

I also do not have this. Don't get me wrong, I have thought about what I'd like to name my children before. But I don't have a note saved in my phone with all of my options.

You start to think about how being pregnant can't be "that" bad.

Granted your main reason is you won't have your period, but you'll start coming up with reasons that you should get pregnant.

If you go to the store, you always walk down the baby aisle just for fun.

Because what cures baby fever better than baby clothes? It doesn't it makes it worse.

When you hold someone else's baby, you never want to give them back.

Okay, I'm TOTALLY like this. If you've ever held a baby, you'll know that cradling them as they sleep is one of the most precious experiences ever. There's just something about it that makes your heart ease into place.

You can't wait till the day finally comes where you can have your very own baby.

Some people just have those maternal/paternal instincts. I'm one of them if we're being honest. I've always had a motherly instinct and I know that when the time is right, I'm going to be the happiest mom on this earth.

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