Being in your early 20s is an exciting time, but also a hugely transitional period.
You go from leaving the comfortable rhythm of school into the working world, and with that comes a lot of change. While you may feel that you’re still mentally a teenager, you’re growing up, and even the subtlest of signs prove that to be true.
So, here are 10 of those growing up “red flags” that may be the most relatable ones of all:
1. Your sibling, your cousin or even best friend’s sibling, who’s not that much older than you, is getting married.
It’s probably one the first times someone you were very close with and thought of as a peer is tying the knot.
2. You’re starting to admit that sometimes, you just don’t feel like going out.
3. You love going shopping for home décor.
And you don’t even have to worry about facing the self-esteem crisis that happens once in a blue moon when shopping for clothes.
4. And you could spend hours in the grocery store.
You’ve also made the mistake of going grocery shopping when hungry.
5. You’ve overcome the struggle of cutting down your resume to one page on many occasion.
You’re still getting used to having all this work experience, and it takes some skill to vet through it all and decide what’s worth mentioning.
6. You can remember 10 years ago scarily well.
A decade sounds like a really long time, and yet you still have strong memories of yourself back then, highlighting just how long you’ve been a cognitively aware human being.
7. You don’t like sleeping in later than 10 or 10:30 a.m.
It’s not that you don’t have the capability to snooze until the afternoon, but you see the value in getting your day started earlier.
8. You’ve had to look up what some new acronym in an Instagram comment means.
Face it – you’re getting older, and it’s hard to keep up with the lingo that younger generations are creating.
9. You’ve forgotten the name of an elementary school teacher for a minute.
It probably comes back to you, but it’s still crazy to think that lower school is no longer at the forefront of your memory.
10. You’ve witnessed fashion trends from you childhood come back in style
Think the choker craze, a staple of the late 90s and early 2000s that was revived just a couple years ago.