There is a big difference between being high maintenance and being low maintenance and enjoying splurging on nice things! A high maintenance person usually has expensive tastes, must be paid attention to, and is never comfortable because they are always concerned with their appearance. They always have to be out and about and be seen. There is another category of girls who also enjoy nice and luxurious things, but are just as happy eating Chinese takeout and watching Netflix on a Saturday night.
You aren't high maintenance, but you aren't completely low maintenance either. You are just...kind of well... middle maintenance. Here are 10 signs that you are a middle maintenance girl:
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1. You are Daddy's girl and thoroughly enjoy him spoiling you, however, you are also independent and don't always rely on him for all of your wants and needs.
2. Some days you enjoy putting on makeup and dressing up, while others you just want to wear your 6 year old comfy sweatpants and a t-shirt that's 3 sizes too big.
3. You own a Kate Spade purse or two, but received them as gifts for special occasions, such as Christmas or a Birthday.
4. You love hitting the malls with your mom and letting her buy you cute clothes, but you also don't mind an afternoon of fishing, hiking, or picnicking in the park.
5. You have been on some pretty sweet family vacations and have traveled to some exotic places, but your absolute favorite places to travel involve mission trips and hard work.
6. You don't mind dinner at a hip restaurant with all of your friends, but will also be happy with easy mac and a mug of hot tea at home.
7. You carry yourself with self control and sweetness, but are also not afraid to speak your mind and to stand up for what is right and for what you believe in.
8. Life is not always rainbows and butterflies for you, but when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade and lemon bars, and some lemon cake too. You never let a bad situation get you down for too long.
9. You get excited for the little things in life, such as holidays and family gatherings, but also enjoy formals and nice parties as well. You are pretty much a go with the flow type of person, but if given the choice, would rather have a plan in place.
10. You work hard for the nice things that you have and never take them for granted. You also remember to show gratitude and thanks to those around you.
Here's for all the girls who never really knew how to classify themselves. You are just simply uniquely you. Be aware that you are rare and embrace being you!