Do you ever feel like you don't know who you have become or why you say the things you do? Do you ever wonder why you are so emotionally torn apart to the point that you can't even think straight - or maybe you know why... but you don't want to admit that it was another human being who tore you apart.
The reason you seem to be falling apart is because of someone who told you they would never hurt you. No matter how strong you told yourself you were going to be - you let your wall down and now it's crumbling beneath you. Lately, that's how I have been feeling. I have been dreading this thing called "life," and living in it without you.
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10 signs you are falling apart -
1.)You are not as happy as you used to be - you let one little thing tear you down and you are struggling to stand back up on your own. You don't laugh as much, you do not go out as much, and your original routine has faded.
2.) You have become heartless - you have become so used to being hurt, you turn into the victim. You hurt everyone that is trying to make any sort of effort in your life. You push away all the good just to let the bad take over.
3.) You think about what you could have done differently - you wonder if you changed your actions, things would be different, and you would be so much happier with the outcome of the situation - but that is not the case.
4.) You are vulnerable - you will do anything to feel that connection with the one person who broke you. You want to feel loved and cared for only by them, and nobody else. You just want to feel special again.
5.) You feel at times you are all alone - you have nowhere to go, nobody to talk to - you think nobody understands what you are going through, but in all reality, there are so many people who understand the pain you are going through.
6.) Someone came into your life and filled that void in your heart but then left - you started to depend on someone's presence, their attention and affection - most importantly their connection that they had with you. They impacted your life so much that without them nothing made sense. Although a promise was made that they would never leave no matter what happened - they left. So, now all you have left is yourself.
7.) That smile of yours is gone - you try so hard to smile and wipe away the tears, but your heart aches so much. Some days and nights it is really hard to hide the pain. The world beneath you feels like it is caving and the sky above you feels like it is suffocating you.
8.) You've learned to let go of things easier - after being torn apart and having your heart stomped on, you learned to give up, and move on from things that did not make sense - situations that were toxic - people that hurt you - most of all you pulled yourself away from people that did not deserve you.
9.) You've learned to love a little less, and stand your ground with more strength - you may have allowed people to come into your life now and then, but you kept the distance and didn't let them affect your life as much as you used to let others do so.
10.) (Last but not least) - you have changed into a different person. You have changed your ways and the way that you handle future situations. You realized that although there may have been a reason why that someone came into your life, there was a reason why they had to leave. People leave all the time, things happen that we don't want to happen, but that's life and in the end you have to learn to be strong - not for anybody else, but for you,
Sometimes it's okay to break down and fall apart, but pushing yourself to get back up is the key to happiness. Never rely on somebody's presence, because one day they may not be there as they were before. Remember to stay true to yourself, and never allow someone to ever bring you down. You are worth more than any heartbreak or rough situation you will ever be put through.