Communications is an excellent program to be a part of. Whether your focus is in Public Relations, Journalism, Sports Communication, Advertising, or Communication Theory, you essentially realize that each concentration is interconnected, yet unique. I've been a part of the #CommFam for a while now, and there are a few things I've noticed that every Communications major has in common:
1. You are social media-obessed.
"I'm tweeting that!!!"
2. You roll your eyes when someone asks, "What exactly is Communications?"
Not. Again.
3. But you're so good at communicating (hence the major) by the end of the conversation, you will have convinced them to change their major to yours.
Mission accomplished.
4. You thrive off inspiration.
Pinning or blogging is often done in free time of a Comm student.
5. You SUCK at math.
Psh, who needs math?
6. You often speak using hand gestures.
People won't understand what were saying unless we use our hands.
7. You are extremely creative.
Ideas are running through our brains 24/7.
8. You like to take control in group projects.
We got this.
9. You love your major to death, and don't care what anyone else thinks of it.
Comm majors, never change. Our major is extremely important and needs people like us in the field to get the job done.