If you've found yourself reading this article, either you're just curious and killing some time, or you know exactly what RBF is and are likely suffering from this chronic condition as well. For as long as I could remember, I've struggled with and experienced mostly all the signs associated with having a Resting B*tch Face. First impressions are important, and I can say because of my RBF, I am the queen of bad first impressions. I often leave people wondering why I'm never smiling and in fear of ever approaching me again, which definitely can take a toll on opportunities for creating or maintaining new relationships.
I was diagnosed by my friends and family members, which is likely how you may have realized that you too have RBF, or you may have self-diagnosed yourself. If you suffer from RBF, you are likely to have experienced most, if not all of these signs:
1. People are always asking you if you are okay.
"Hey, are you okay? You look mad."
"Okay, well I'm here if you need something!"
"I promise I was literally just thinking about what I'm having for dinner, I appreciate your concern though!"
2. You are constantly told you come off way too intimidating...
There's no better way to make a good first impression than being scary.
3. ...Then the same people will express how wrong their first impression of you was.
"When I first met you, I thought you were a total b*tch but you're actually so nice!"
If only I had a dollar for every time I've had that said to me and I wouldn't have any student loans.
4. Naturally, this makes you very unapproachable as well.
Yay for no new friends! The amount of effort that must go into trying to give off a good vibe in order for other people to not think you're blatantly rude and closed off to any human contact is insane.
5. People don't know how to distinguish when you're serious, joking, or sarcastic.
I'm sorry that I'm just actually incapable of having more than one facial expression regardless of whether I'm kidding or not.
6. Everyone thinks you are judging them...
Reassuring everyone that 99.9% of the time you really aren't judging them is a necessary component entailed in RBF.
7. ...When you're actually the one being judged.
I apologize to the innocent and random people I seem to throw shade at because of my face and I promise I'm usually nice, don't hate please.
8. People think you're bossy when you give instructions.
Again, 99.9% of the time, I promise I'm usually trying to be nice.
9. You have to be extra EXTRA peppy during interviews.Or anything to make a good impression, really, and it's not tiring at all to have to over continuously be aware of your facial expression...
10. People think you're impolite because you (unintentionally) glare and never smile.This was ALL I heard when growing up: "SMILE! You look so angry!" or "Why do you look like that?"
I can't do much about the glare, and who naturally has a smile plastered to their face 24/7? In short, I take "a face only a mother could love" to an entirely different level.
11. You never look like you are having a good time.
People think nothing makes you happy and so you have to make it very apparent that you are actually enjoying yourself.
Eh, as an RBF sufferer, what more can you do?
13. Even though you have RBF, you still think some other people with RBF are scary too.
Sometimes it's hard to remember that many people may suffer from this chronic condition and could be misjudged too, try to keep that in mind the next time you see a person that you feel like could be part demon.
If you found that you related to most, if not all of these, it's fairly safe to say, as you probably already know, that you too have been personally victimized by RBF. At least you know you are definitely not alone, who knew having RBF would be such a struggle?