College is an important time in all students’ lives. It is the time that you choose a career path that you want to follow through with for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. In all honesty, you are marrying your major; scary, right? Alright, let’s be real here, college is great. You pretty much make regretful decisions with your future groomsmen and bridesmaids. Apart from that, you are given the opportunity to choose any career path you choose. You also have the opportunity to try out different career paths. It almost seems like playing pretend when we were younger. You can be a doctor, a CEO, a cook, a lawyer, and pretty much anything in between. Therefore, the question is how do you know when to stop playing pretend? Here is a list of questions to ask yourself when you are thinking about switching your major.
Are the classes hard?- Being in a challenging class is not a bad thing. You need a little challenge in your life if you want to succeed in the future. However, if the classes that you are taking are out of your league, 1.9 GPA, studying in your room 24/7 but still failing…hate to break it to you but this might not be the career path for you. In the future, you want to have a career that you can have a balanced lifestyle with. If it is too difficult for you and involves you working too much, you are not going to be happy in the end.
What is your second choice?- HA. Trick question. The answer to this should be “I don’t have a second choice.” Be confident in the career path that you are choosing. Stand by it, live it, love it.
Are the classes interesting?- True, you can say all of your classes suck and you hate school, but the question is, is the material that you are learning interesting? Does it bring out the creative side in you and does it push you to think about this more after class time? If the answer is yes to all of these questions then you might have struck gold.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?- This is a question that I always ask myself. If your answer is to be a famous music executive but you are majoring in nursing only because it is a more stable path, then rethink your decision. Chase after your dreams, do not choose the easy way out and regret it for the rest of your life.
What companies would you work for?- During your four years in college, think about what companies are available to you. Looking at your options early is never going to hurt you. Reach out to the companies and learn about their culture and values. If nothing in that industry fits you, then we might need to do a u-turn on the career path.
Would you work for free?- This is the most important question of them all.If you are willing to work for free then this is not just your career path…this is your passion.