The only person we literally spend every waking moment with is ourselves. It is completely normal and even considered somewhat healthy to talk to yourself. However, there are different types of talking to yourself. In the same way, there is a difference between being lonely and being alone. If you talk to yourself because you're lonely, you should consider finding someone to share your loneliness with. If you enjoy talking to yourself when you are alone, it can seem like the most normal thing in the world, to you. To anyone else who walks by, you could just look like a crazy person. Here are a few signs that people already think you're crazy.
1. You laugh at your own jokes.
 Why wouldn't you? You're hilarious.
2. ..Which leads to having inside jokes with yourself.
We spent so much time with ourselves, it's just natural for funny things to happen to us. We just happen to remember them in the strangest moments, and we end up laughing with ourselves over something that happened when we were alone.
3. You ask yourself questions.
4. ..And answer them.
5. You constantly acknowledge that you are talking to yourself.
You are constantly aware of the fact that there are no people around, and that you are talking to yourself, but you don't care.
6. ...And you constantly tell yourself to stop.
"Shut up."
"You shut up."
7. You're basically your own Best Friend.
Even if your actual best friend gets jealous, he/she need to accept the fact that you've shared your deepest conversations with yourself. You have the ability to knock yourself down, and motivate yourself all at the same time. You always have your back.
8. It doesn't even matter if you're alone or with people, you'll just talk to yourself anywhere at anytime.
Why would it matter? True friends already know you're a tiny bit crazy.
"What was that?"
Oh nothing, I was just talking to myself.
9. You are your biggest fan.
Why wouldn't you be?
10. You and yourself have already accepted the fact that you're crazy.
11. ...And you've both made your peace with it.
Even if you do talk to yourself constantly, it's actually been proven to be healthy. There are so many benefits to just talking to yourself. Relax, you're not as crazy as you think you are. Talking to yourself has actually been proven to boost your self esteem up and studies say that it also makes you smarter. So, relax. You're fine.