The Sophomore Slump is real, and almost every sophomore I know has experienced it thus far. Thankfully, most of us are coming out of it now, grabbing our last bits of motivation and trying to spark a flame to finish out our last seven weeks of school. If you think you might be in the sophomore slump, here are 10 signs and symptoms that you could be in the Sophomore Slump.
1. You didn't want to come back to school
After Fall, Christmas, or Spring Break, did you struggle with coming back to school? Did you begin to wonder if you were really cut out for college? Did you begin to question your previous decisions and wonder if you made the right choice?
2. You joke with your friends about running away from your responsibilities
With four papers, two quizzes, an exam, and 14 homework problems due in the next week and a half, the idea of running away and becoming a barista in a small town in Wyoming sounds like a little piece of heaven.
3. You have called a family member to complain more than twice in the past week
Your mom, sister, brother, dad, grandparent, or an old friend have heard from you more than once in the past week, and you try to separate calls out to each one so none of them get to annoyed.
4. Your level of discipline has gone from an eight to a two (In a scale from one to 10)
5. You made a paper chain after getting back from Christmas Break
I will neither confirm nor deny that I made a paper chain to count down the days until summer after I got back from Christmas Break. (50 days to go...).
6. You feel as if the cold is too cold
Not only do you have to deal with responsibilities and chores, but the fact that it is winter and freezing? That just crosses the line. Polar Vortex? No, thank you, I'm fine.
7. You have had to get out of bed because you forgot about an assignment due the next day in your 8 a.m. class
8. You started out the year with three jobs, four leadership roles and five volunteer positions
You were pumped to no longer be the newbie. You were excited to help the little freshies as they came into your school. But then upper level classes, your social life, and homework came knocking.
9. You are starting to realize how crazy everybody is
And you realize the craziest person is yourself. And its comforting.
10. Your planner is color coded because you thought it might actually motivate you to get things done early
This might have worked for you (it did for me) or it might not have. But I bet that new planner you got for sophomore year is organized and beautiful.
The Sophomore Slump can seem like pushing through a swimming pool of mud, but the first step to finding hope is realizing you are in the sophomore slump, and then you can keep pushing through. Sophomore year is a year for learning more about yourself, your likes and dislikes and many other amazing things about you, your friends and your school so enjoy it, be amazed, and be loving. Remember in the words of Conan O'Brien: "Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen."