Congratulations nurses to be on the memorable journey nursing school is! For the new nursing student commencing their path to the veteran student awaiting graduation day, the schooling itself has united us all together and we come to realize that we share similar things.
1. You realize that there is indeed studying after studying.
As much as you want to sit back and relax with some Netflix or spend some quality time with your nonnursing friends, you realize that each minute counts and you would much rather spend it studying.
2. You stress eat.
Or maybe you don't stress eat, but forget to eat because of the busy lives we lead as students between lecture, lab, clinical, some pre-studying before that actual studying, and the post-studying after the actual studying. Not going to lie – I've been stress eating, but let's just say I've earned that cookie after almost pulling an all-nighter for my morning exam.
3. You wake up in a complete panicked state in the middle of the night thinking that you are late for clinical or for the lecture exam.
4. Going back to number 3, sleeping has become scarce and you treasure every second and minute of it. Sleep is beautiful.
5. Scrubs are the official school attire.
No need to worry about back to school shopping or stressing about what to wear for school--scrubs is where it's at.
6. You start self-diagnosing yourself with what you've learned from your extensive readings.
Don't lie, I know you do this.
7. Your planner/calendar becomes your life.
You protect this planner as if it were your baby and automatically become panicked if you lose it or misplace it.
8. You have no social life, kind of going back to number 1.
Going back and forth between lecture, clinical, lab, pre-studying, work, and other extracurricular commitments – let's just face it, there is no social life.
9. You get excited when you can understand what's going on in a TV show like Grey's Anatomy.
And the sadness you feel when you realize they are saying the medical terms wrong and/or doing the procedures the wrong way.
10. Nursing friendships have become your support system and your soul buddies for life.
They understand the struggles, the tears, and the joy that comes from disciplining oneself in a program like this. They are your go to people and you can't imagine doing the next 2 to 4 years without them by your side.