Yesterday I was in CVS with my friend when I stopped her mid-sentence to tell her to listen to the song that was playing in the background. She paused and listened looking confused, but I just told her to wait for it and if she didn't know this song I would be disappointed in her. She finally smiled and looked at me and said "Oh this is the song from the eighth grade dances". I smiled at her and we both started laughing remembering dancing to "Satellite" by the Dave Matthews Band at every single middle school dance. Why it was so funny to us is because that song was played as the last dance for every class for at least ten years. My sister, who was three grades above me danced to "Satellite" at every single one of her middle school dances. That song will forever be tied to my memories at St.Michael's, including so many other things. So I decided to head down memory lane and list some things only a true St.M kid will understand.
If you went to St.Michael's for all nine years or only for two you will understand a decent amount of the following:
1. You owned every color in the rainbow of collared shirts
2. You would over enunciate "Christian church" in the school song even though the music teacher went out of her way to make sure you didn't
3. You just read "Christian church" in the annoying over enunciated way
4. You know at least ten different versions of how to play dodgeball
5. Your favorite version was jail dodgeball
6. But elimination dodgeball was fun too
7. You have seen the Thanksgiving play at least four times
8. The best water fountain is in the second grade/third grade hallway
9. You owned a rock shop in the wooden train at recess
10. You were taller than your music teacher by third grade
11. Whenever a new student came the first question you would ask them was if they were on the blue team or the white team
12. Tug-of-war at Magic Dragon Day was the most important event of your life
13. No ocean was required for the type of "surfing" you did in the fourth grade
14. Listing all fifty states in alphabetical order is a secret talent you're proud of
15. The worst day of gym class was the timed mile
16. The best day of gym class was when you got to play capture
17. Your Kindergarten teacher most likely pulled at least one of your teeth
18. You know your fourth grade teacher wasn't actually giving you the peace sign when she held up her two fingers
19. You relearned the Dewey Decimal System at the beginning of every year
20. You never practiced your recorder for fifteen minutes a day, and it showed in music class
21. Being in the chorus for the Christmas nativity show was basically a slap to the face saying you had no talent
22. You know more about Edgar Allen Poe's life than your grandparent's lives
23. If you were "dating" you would walk around the carpool loop at recess together
24. You were most likely forced against your will to play SMBA or intramural field hockey
25. You never learned how to type properly and acted like you did when the teacher came around in computer class
26. You had to run the 200 almost everyday in gym class and it was always awful
27. The best hot lunch day was Little Caesar's, because you got crazy bread
28. The cake walk was a serious matter at Magic Dragon Day
29. The photographer on picture day was the worst and scared the life out of you
30. You danced to "Satellite" at the end of every school dance
Go dragons!