With all the negativity that is in our world today, it doesn't seem like there is any positivity left in the world. Let me tell you that that isn't true.
There are people out there, who are optimists and do everything in their power to see the good in the world and share that with everyone – always smiling and seem like they are in a good mood. Spirits who can never be broken. That is what being an optimist is. Here are 10 signs that you are in that group of positivity optimists.
1. You always forgive, even when people don't deserve your forgiveness
Even if they have hurt you in past, you still forgive them and don't hold on to those negative feelings. Move forward not backward.
2. You see the best in everyone
You always see the good in people, no matter how dark they may be. you know there is some good deep down.
3. You are always smiling
With that bright smile on your face, you spread positive everywhere you go. Even if you have a bad day, you still smile putting aside of those negative thoughts. a smile a day keeps the clouds away.
4. You talk and think positive
You are 100% have a positive attitude. you know if you think and talk positively then good things will happen! go positive vibes.
5. You attract positive people
Positive energy attracts positive people.
6. You inspire people
With your positive spirit: you motivate others, give hope to those who feel hopeless, encourage everyone to pursue whatever their hearts desire, inspire them to be the best they can be! we see the sparks of goodness in people that they may not see in themselves.7. You find the positive in everything even in negative situations
Just because things didn't go your way today, doesn't mean they wouldn't tomorrow. The sun will come out tomorrow!