12 Undeniable Signs You Attended A Small High School | The Odyssey Online
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12 Undeniable Signs You Attended A Small High School

Because small towns are better towns.

12 Undeniable Signs You Attended A Small High School

If you are from a small town, you know how much a close knit community you all can be. These are a few things you might find to be true if you were raised in a small community.

1. You know someone who is related to the teacher you know, their kids/spouses, or you know where they live.

Your community is so small, you probably are neighbors with your teacher or you have even been over to their house before.

2. You go to local stores and see minimum 5 people you know...(and don't speak).

When you see one of your classmates standing on an isle of the grocery store and you are about to turn on it....RUN! You do NOT want any awkward conversations!

3.EVERYONE is related to each other

Your friend is cousins with your math partner who is also neighbors with your first cousin. And those two weird kids sitting in the back of the your science class that look nothing alike... yeah... they are twins

4. You've been in every room in the building

You know the WHOLE school like the back of your hand. Even if you never have taken that class, you have been in that room just to hang out with friends

5.You know the first middle and last names of all your classmates, where they live, and what they drive

Whether or not you are in the same grade, you know at least the whole class below you, your class, and the class above you and at least probably 5 things about each person.

6. When you did something so small and irrelevant, the whole school knew about it within 20 minutes

You will find out things about yourself you didn't even know. You are just now finding out that you are now pregnant and about to drop out of school and become a stripper

7. There was nothing to do as far as clubs or on the weekends

Don't even try to find anything at school or in town to do besides sports practice in the mornings on the weekends. THERE IS NOTHING to do... besides napping all day

8. The same popular kids in kindergarten were the same popular kids throughout high school

You sit back and wonder how in the world the same people keep winning homecoming, class president, and teachers pet. Nobody else had the chance to have a come up because everyone thinks blonde hair and blue eyes makes them superior to everyone else.

9. Your parents went to school with your teachers, principal, and counselor

During your first day of school, your teacher notices your last name during roll call and asks are you related to a list of people and you answer,"yes, that is my mom, aunt, uncle, and neighbor".

10. You probably had at least one coach for history class

This may not be true for everyone, but your history/coach teacher may have let you go to the gym with them and let them set up for their games during your class time or explained to you the different plays from last nights game.

11. You have just about the same graduating kindergarten class as you do your senior graduating class

You wonder why nobody has moved off yet. You have been seeing these same people for the last 13 years of your life... and are probably beginning to consider these people your second family

12. Everyone remembers every embarrassing thing you did over 8 years ago

Yeah... remember when you had blue hair in 8th grade or got rejected in front of your 6th grade crush in front of the whole cafeteria... Yeah... well I guarantee 100 other people will remind you at some point throughout your high school years if you don't remember.

All in all, you wouldn't change anything about where you went to school. You met amazing people that you most likely spent 90% of your adolescence knowing. They saw you through your good times and your bad times. All in all, you wouldn't change anything about where you went to school.

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