3. Meal planning is now apart of your vocab. | The Odyssey Online
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10 Signs You Are Turning Into A Responsible Adult

Welcome to the adult world...

10 Signs You Are Turning Into A Responsible Adult
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

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You have found yourself in a weird position: in college, probably near the end, and turning into a responsible adult. You don't know when it happened but you grew out of the party stage and now love to be in bed by 10 pm on a Saturday night. You used to have a set school schedule and have a bunch of free time and now you have almost every minute of the day scheduled to a tee. You relate more to the world of LinkedIn than the world of Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter. Your thoughts consist of internships, future career goals, meal planning, and making a grocery list. The mere thought of becoming a responsible adult used to scare you senseless and now you wouldn't have it any other way.

1. You realize chores actually take all day. 


Chore Day is now a day that turns into deep cleaning your entire apartment, doing laundry, taking out the trash, and just washing the dishes that didn't get done yesterday.

2. The dishes are washed everyday.


Piles and piles of dishes aren't stacked in the kitchen anymore.

3.  Meal planning is now apart of your vocab.


Meal planning means more than planning brunch with the girls on Saturday and dinner with bae on Friday.

4. You write grocery lists as often as you write papers.


Grocery lists now exist when you go shopping and you mostly stick to exactly what is on the list.

5. Late night Target runs have turned into 11am Sunday grocery trips.


You find yourself actually going to the grocery store instead of throwing the list you made away and just ordering food every night.

6. LinkedIn is apart of your daily social media check.


Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, AND LinkedIn are apart of your social media routine everyday. Plus, you are always looking for more connection on LinkedIn.

7. Saturday nights out mean drinks at 7 pm and home in bed by 11 pm.


You have responsibilities and you can't party all night like you used to. Plus the idea of going to an overcrowded house party where most of them haven't even declared a major yet, is no longer appealing.

8. Emails get answered before text messages.


As an up and coming young professional, emails will always be important than text messages. If you want an immediate response, you better just slide into my email inbox.

9.  Your closet is mainly filled with professional clothes.


Dresses, skirt suits, blouses, and dress pants fill your closet now and it overtakes the rest of your clothes. So long are the days of wearing leggings and sweatshirts every single day.

10. Your day is scheduled down to the minute.


So long are the days of being able to freely do as you please and now you have to check your schedule everyday to make sure that you are where you are supposed to be.

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