Feeling stuck? Having trouble achieving your goals? Worried that you aren't reaching your full potential?
It could be your relationship that's preventing you from being the boss lady you are. Not always, but it's definitely something to consider if you've been feeling like you haven't been crushing it as much as you could be.
Here are 8 tell-tale signs that your relationship is holding you back:
1. Your work/life balance is out of wackÂ
If you find that your relationship with your S.O. often distracts you from getting your studies or work done, doesn't allow you the time that you need to be productive, or keeps you from advancing in your career, it might be time to re-evaluate.
2. Your S.O. isn’t supportive of your dreams and interests
Do they seem more threatened by your aspirations, rather than supportive? Do they constantly make you feel like your interests are irrelevant or invalid?
3. You have no sense of future with themÂ
Planning for the future isn't everything, but if you can't see any sort of plan with them going forward—whether it's short-term or life-long—it's probably a sign that your partner doesn't really fit into your future plans.
4. They’re unwilling to compromiseÂ
It might be geographical. It might be something simple like weekend plans. If your S.O. isn't willing to compromise their wants and need with yours, that's not a great relationship characteristic to have long-term.
5. You’re worried about their reaction to your choices
If you're constantly feeling like you're walking on eggshells around your partner and aren't able to freely make independent decisions, that's a red flag.
6. You feel bad or guilty about doing things for yourself
Do you feel like you can't be proud of yourself for an accomplishment? Do you feel guilty allowing yourself to practice self care?
7. You have to hide your passionsÂ
In a healthy relationship, you should feel excited and welcomed to share your passions and interests with your partner. If you feel like you have to hide your authentic self from them, how will you ever be able to grow?
8.  Overall, you just feel stuck
I'm not suggesting you should immediately jump to the conclusion that it's your S.O. holding you back—it could be a part of your lifestyle, or maybe you're not studying the right thing. But for some people, it's simply being in a restrictive or toxic relationship.
If you feel like you're being held back from reaching your full potential, and that maybe your relationship is a contributing factor, there really isn't one right way to solve the problem. Whether you decide to work on improving things together or take a step back for a while, the most important thing is to just remember that your path is yours to make—no one else's. Trust your intuition, remember that you're a bad-ass, and everything will fall into place.