Whether you're obsessed with the fall season in general, or if you love fall for a number of different reasons, for us Disney lovers, fall and October have a special meaning: "Halloweentown"! If you watched Disney Channel as a kid, you have to remember the numerous Halloween-inspired movies that were played all month long, and of course among all your favorites were the "Halloweentown" movies! It's completely OK to admit that you're still waiting to find out you're a witch just like Marnie.
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You are into weird stuff, but it's only because you're waiting for your crazy grandma to tell you that you have secret powers, aka witch powers.
You really do have a grandma with a magic bag, because there is no way all of that stuff fits in there.
When you were a kid, you always got what you wanted. You're parents said you were spoiled, but you knew it was magic.
You're definitely not normal.
Your grandma really has the best advice.
No matter what anyone says, you will always know the truth: