Just think school is just right around the corner for some of us! It is an exciting time to be back in the place that you love or if you are freshmen, here are some signs you're ready for school to start again for another year:
1. You know the exact amount days until school starts
2. You know you will see your amazing friends when you get back so there will be a lot of catching up to do
3. You rather be at school than actually working at your summer job
4. Getting excited to buy new school supplies
5. Looking forward to new classes with different professors
6. The school food. (I must say, Ashland has some pretty good food.)
7. Going to the café that everyone loves to grab their snacks from
8. Working out in the rec center, so you won't gain the "Freshmen 15"
9. Going on late night runs to Taco Bell
10. Being bored, but knowing you can grab a couple friends and drive around for a few hours
11. Having random study sessions with your buddies.
12. However, you guys are all getting side tracked because none of you can study together
13. Or, finding that one friend you can study with
14. Having the friend group that you always eat with
15. Or, having a schedule with who you are going to eat with
16. Making a schedule for your whole semester
17. Getting back to your Intramural Sports Team.
18. Living in a dorm with a bunch of other people your own age
19. Literally sleeping as long as you want on weekends
20. Being with your sorority sisters
21. Learning how to manage your sleep schedule again while going to school
22. Most of all, being back at a place that you love and knowing you have people that are like your school family.
Just think we are almost back to school and get excited!