Whether you're a senior in college dreading the adult world, or are already supposed to be 'adulting,' there's a few signs indicating you aren't ready to grow up. Here it goes!
1. Your kitchen table looks like this:
2. You need 27 alarms to get up every morning.
3. Sweats count as an outfit.
4. Naps are necessary to get through the day.
5. Your cabinets are filled with paper plates and red solo cups.
6. Most of the pictures on your phone are either of
you and friends partying or cat memes.
7. Sometimes you don't shower for several days.
Bun day, hat day, shower day, repeat.
8. But when you do, you bring a shower beer.
9. Cooking rarely happens.
You’d eat a cold Ego instead of putting it in the toaster, and you order enough food when eating out to have leftovers.
10. You save laundry for weekends you go home to mom.
11. You have no money.
12. But are skilled at budgeting money for alcohol and food.
13. You watch several different series on Netflix while avoiding things you have to do.
14. You still eat raw cookie dough.
15. You don't plan farther ahead than your next meal.
16. The extent to your decorating skills:
If any of the signs apply to you, then you're probably not quite ready to adult. I love naps, cookie dough, and shower beers too much, so here's to never growing up!