1. You're constantly looking for ways to make money
Anything and everything helps at this point
Recommended for you
2. You take advantage of anything that is free
Free event on campus...I'm there. Especially if it involves food
3. You don't even bother looking at your bank account
If you don't check it, you won't be able to see all the money you don't actually have
4. You order the cheapest thing off the menu
All your friends want to go out, and you don't want to be left behind so you go. Unfortunately, you have to order the cheapest appetizer on the menu.
5. Shopping makes you feel better
You go shopping with the zero money you have...but still feel better in the end
6. You're parents call you every day to stop spending
Like I already know I don't have money, you don't have to rub it in my face gosh
7. You are always making up excuses
I deserve this, therefore I need this
8.You are always checking old wallets for loose change and gift cards
There's some small miracle you may find a quarter
9. You can't afford to pay for gas
I'll drive! Oh wait... no, I don't have any gas or money
10. Someone says their parents are in town
And you kiss up to them as much as possible...well...because free dinner
11. You have about 10 IOU's to your friends
Even when you have money, you just use it all to pay back those who gave you money before.