There's no doubt your family plays a huge role in who you become as a person, for better or for worse. Whether you have a dozen siblings or just one, they will be a huge part of your life, most likely for the rest of your life, whether you like it or not. This being said, coming from a large family creates a special type of person. As the fourth of five loud, outgoing, and funny kids, I can tell if someone also comes from a big family within the first hour of meeting them. Here are a few signs you're a member of this ~~exclusive~~ society.
1. Everyone tells you how loud you are
Hey, when I'm home I have 30 seconds tops to make my point and have it be heard. If that means always speaking on the verge of a shout, so be it.
2. You are clutch in high-pressure, chaotic situations
AKA family vacations...
3. You do not like to share
You've been burned before. You still remember the haircut your little brother gave your flight attendant Barbie and the light blue cable knit sweater you lent your sister in 2011 (RIP).
4. You have a bomb sense of humor
A lot of siblings = a lot of madness = a lot of hilarious situations
Still laughing about when Billy threw up on Sarah and the time we found professionally taken photos of Billy and Kim wearing sombreros and ponchos on our family cruise.
5. You can take a joke
Your siblings probably didn't let you get away with much (aforementioned cruise photos). This has taught you to laugh at yourself along with them.
6. You can go with the flow
There were just too many people for you to always be the center of attention or first priority. Oh, you don't like salmon? Too bad your siblings do and that's what's for dinner. Deal with it.
7. You siblings come up in conversation all the time
There are so many of them, usually whoever you're talking to says something that relates to at least one of your siblings. "Oh, your friend Susan is from Spain? My sister studied in Madrid fall of 2014!"
Some people might not be so into it.
8. You know way too much about your siblings
If one of them finds out something about another, all the siblings will hear about it. In fact, it will probably be a dinner table discussion and no topic is off limits. Sibling gossip = the best gossip.
9. You have a deep rooted fear of the way back seats of cars
Do you know how many hours I have spent crammed into the back row of a suburban with my brothers feet in my face? Sixteen years worth of trips to and back from Ohio worth is a good jumping of point.
10. You can pee in front of nearly anyone
No nervous bladders here! You always happened to find nature calling while one of your siblings was in the shower. What did they expect you to do? Hold it?
11. Your best friends are your siblings
They've seen you at your best, your worst, and everything in between. They know you better than anyone and in turn you know they will always be there for you.